Why I deleted Instagram

Hi, I am an ex-Instagram addict.
I had THREE accounts, and would regularly justify having three.
\”Oh yeah so basically I have my private one for just friends, then I have one for my film photography and then another one to track my progress with life drawing\”
Reading that back just now I realise how ridiculous it sounded! I can share pics on Facebook, build a website for my photos, and attend life drawing classes with real people!
When Instagram first came out I remember thinking \”Why would anyone use something to just share square photos? How ridiculous\”. Two years later I am checking three accounts and spending so much of my time scrolling and tapping.
I must say that I do like how it worked originally. An easy way to document your day-to-day life and share great photos with friends and others. However, my problem now lies with the fact that Facebook owns Instagram. The app is so bloated, swipe left, right, up, down, tap, long tap, double tap, stories, discover… etc.
Total Instagram Users
The fact that the original creator of Instagram left the company recently just shows how every last drop of money is being squeezed out of all one billion users (source: Statista). It makes me sad when I see so many people scrolling through the familiar square boxes.
What you can do to change things
So I would like to propose that those who do use Instagram, do so with care and attention. It is something that when used correctly, can bring happiness.
Think of sharing how you are really feeling, instead of hiding your difficulties or sadness behind that filter.
- Vulnerability is beautiful and should be encouraged!
- Be present and breathe in the nature rather than adding it to your story
- Watch and listen to the band at the gig instead of videoing the whole thing (this really grinds my gears)
- Close your eyes and truly taste the food you\’re eating, it tastes better than the photo you might upload
I can\’t tell you how much better my life has become since I stopped checking it before sleep and as soon as I wake up.
Thanks for reading,