Wunderlist – Using A To-Do List App Properly

How to organise your life with Wunderlist
I love being unnecessarily organised, it helps with everything!
My journey to becoming organised has been through various different phases. From colour coordinated school files (cool, right?), to beautifully categorised Dropbox folders, and now – my To-Do List App.
Over the years I tried several different ways of managing my To-Do List. From the trusty pen and paper, to the notes app on my iPhone. I had tried and tested several apps too, without one of them sticking!
However it was 2018, that I gave one app another chance, and it is called Wunderlist.
Why is Wunderlist so great?
In addition to this app being completely FREE, it is also completely amazing! You can have it on multiple devices, it syncs all together and has the following fabulous features:
- Grouped T0-Do Lists
- Sub To-Do\’s within each To-Do (it sounds confusing but keep reading…)
- Notes within a To-Do
- Shared To-Do Lists
- Reminders
- Due dates
All of these things really get me going in the morning, and it allows my brain to breathe. Some say that using a To-Do list actually reduces your brain power. Really? I would rather that than forget something super important and look like an idiot to be honest!
How I use Wunderlist
You can use this app for both work and personal matters. I have categories for my business, a shared one with my partner, one for random ideas, one for books to read… the list goes on! The great thing about these categories is that everything isn\’t just lumped into one long list.
My favourite Wunderlist list category has to be \’Things to watch\”. You know when you\’re out with friends or socialising with people at a party, and they tell you about this amazing film you have to see. Oh wait, you don\’t remember the name because you didn\’t write it down… Now I always remember, because it\’s in my \”Things to watch\” category!
When it comes to my business, I always have a To-Do for each client, which includes all the things I have to do for that project. My favourite thing to use is the notes section, here I put the hex code for each colour in their brand palette. Oh my is this useful when you need to access this 1000 times per day.
Wunderlist was incredibly useful when I was designing the website for Janet Boddy. Due to the huge number of art pieces that I had to sort through, having an accurate way of checking them off when edited/uploaded was essential.
One thing that I don\’t use at the moment is the Inbox, Today and Week categories. These are built in, but I haven\’t found a reason to use them right now.
Using Wunderlist on my Mac
For those that know me I am a cold blooded Apple Mac user. Over the years I have honed and tweaked how I use it for maximum productivity.
I wanted to share my setup with Wunderlist, for those that might want to use it like I do!
On the left, I have my mail app in full screen, in the middle is my desktop, and on the right is Franz and Wunderlist half & half.
This means that with a quick gesture I can access my email, messages and To-Do list.
Hope you found this useful, and as always, send me a message if you have any questions!