I don’t drink caffeine

Coffee? No thanks, my face would go numb.
I am sure that most of you reading this blog love a dose of caffeine from a cuppa (Yorkshire tea obviously) or a morning espresso? Not me! I would turn into a mad man, totally unable to function for a few hours.
Society rams it in our faces every day from a young age that having a cup of tea/coffee is what you\’re supposed to do. However, I have changed my habits and now no longer drink caffeine at all, and feel much better from it!
Why should humans need caffeine to function?
The point I made before really rings true for me here in the UK. Every morning I would watch my dad have only a cup of tea (no breakfast) before heading off to work. I would sometimes make it for him because I was such a good son!
Every office I have worked in, the day centers around getting the drinks in. \”Milk and one please\”, \”black as the night love, thanks!\”. I find it such a funny tradition and overall practice, could it even be described as a ritual!?
Most people say, \”I need caffeine because I didn\’t sleep well last night.\” or \”How can you function without it? I would be dead by midday\”.
Thinking about this, can you remember a time before you started drinking tea/coffee? Nope, you were a child.
Why I stopped
A week ago, I went to my local record store, Deco, for a browse. The owner offered me a tea, which I accepted. Unfortunately they had no decaf options so I went for an earl grey.
Half an hour later I was plastered to my sofa at home, raging anxiety and a numb, tingling face. I thought to myself, wow caffeine is horrendous!
Now, this obviously doesn\’t happen to everybody, however I want you to think of how it could affect your daily life. For example: Have you had a small lingering anxiety for as long as you can remember?
Tips for a replacement
So, what do I do instead in the morning?
Glass of water with fresh lemon
- Just use half a lemon per glass, save the other half for the next day.
- Gets rid of any bad breath
- Anti Anxiety & Depression
- Wakes you up naturally
Everyone should try this, it works so well! Packed full of vitamins, minerals and goodness, you can even put the used lemon skin in the fridge to get rid of bad odours…
Raw Cacao nibs
- Sling some with your porridge or smoothie!
This is a fantastic source of natural energy, you can buy it online from various places.
Go to bed better
- Spend 30 minutes before bed winding down
- No phone, no TV, no bright lights, dark bedroom
- Light a candle
- Read or meditate
- Read my blog piece on Managing Mental Health If You Work At A Computer
This one takes more time and effort, but really makes a difference. The reason you\’re so tired is because you\’re not sleeping well!
To conclude, I want to promote the fact that I am now sleeping better than I ever have, my anxiety is reduced significantly, and I am more productive. See you never caffeine!
Thanks for reading,